Thursday, March 20, 2025

WCC news: Latin American and Caribbean faith leaders release “A Call to Action towards COP30”

Nearly 50 church leaders, faith representatives, ecumenical organizations, Indigenous community members, and climate experts convened in Brazil to issue a powerful call for climate action ahead of COP30.

Marina Silva, Brazilian Minister of Environment and Climate Change, receives a copy of the "Call for Action towards COP30" from the hands of Bishop Marinez Bassotto, Primate of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil.  Photo:Eugenio Albrecht/LWF

20 March 2025

The document, “A Call to Action towards COP30,” was delivered to the Brazilian Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Marina Silva, as she paid a visit to the group on the last day of the meeting.

The text reflects on the current reality of the climate emergency and particularly on the irreversible consequences of climate change. COP30, theUN climate conference, will take place in November 2025 in Brazil.

“Our territories, understood by us as sacred, are being destroyed,” the call reads. “We witness the destruction of the Amazon, other ecosystems, and the people who live there, caused by large-scale agriculture, mining, and fossil fuel extraction.”

The call notes that these activities, in the name of "progress," seek only the unlimited and concentrated accumulation of capital. “Those who protect our lands—environmental and human rights defenders—are increasingly being persecuted,” the call reads. “The road to COP30 cannot fall into the traps of recent years: stalled progress on phasing out fossil fuels, last-minute deals, and broken promises on climate finance.”

The call, which notes that governments must respond to the climate emergency and act with the urgency that is needed, calls on governments and the international community to deliver on climate finance promises, ensure full implementation of the Loss and Damage Fund, accelerate a just transition away from fossil fuel dependency, support communities to adapt to climate change, and prioritise the voices of those most impacted by climate change.

“The commitments made at COP29 fell far short of the finance that developing countries need to tackle climate change,” the message notes. “The Loss and Damage Fund should be operationalized immediately, with streamlined and priority access for affected communities.”

The message also reflects that the lack of action to phase out fossil fuels endangers our common home, as well as the very survival of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. 

“We call for commitments at COP30 for the transition to 100% renewable energy and the progressive elimination of fossil fuel subsidies, repurposing them towards sustainable development,” reads the text. “Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean face devastating and recurrent climate impacts, demonstrating resilience and creativity in their adaptation.”

Read the full text of "A Call to Action towards COP30" 

Photo gallery

“What will we leave to those coming after us?” – Ecumenical pre-COP30 meeting kicks off in Brazil (WCC news release, 19 March 2025)

Participants of the meeting in Brasilia came from faith communities from across Latin America and the Caribbean, including Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Panama, Bolivia, Honduras, El Salvador, and the Dominican Republic. Photo: Bruno Dias Guedes/Catedral Anglicana de Brasília

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