Thursday, May 9, 2024

SojoMail - Prayerful solidarity as half of humanity votes


This year, half the world’s population is heading to national polls, writes Adam Russell Taylor in this week’s SojoMail — and a lot is at stake for democracy and freedom:

By the end of this year, more than 50 countries — representing half of humanity — will have held national elections.

Thinking about this statistic as an American helps put my own anxieties about the U.S. presidential elections in greater perspective. As Americans, we can easily be insular and self-centered, thinking that our nation’s political situation is exceptional and that we don’t need to be aware of what is happening in other countries. At the same time, we can also be unaware of the ripple effect that our own elections have on the rest of the world.

I was reminded of this ripple effect at a recent gathering of global Christian leaders. Throughout the gathering, many leaders from other nations told me in private conversations that they were actively praying for the U.S. election. I was both moved by their concern and somewhat embarrassed that I have not been as committed to praying for them as they have been for us. Their commitment to praying for the U.S. felt especially powerful knowing that so many of them were also facing pivotal and contentious elections in their own countries this year.

I left that gathering reminded of our increasingly interdependent world — and resolved to be better at praying for elections beyond our own borders. While it may sound inconsequential, I believe prayer is a meaningful and even essential way we can be in solidarity with our siblings around the world engaged in ongoing struggles to protect freedoms and human dignity.




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Sojourners is seeking applicants for its Journalism Cohort, a remote program which provides AAPI, Black, Indigenous, Latine, and/or persons of color training and mentorship as they build experience as freelance writers. Participants will concentrate on either news reporting or opinion writing, with an emphasis on religion and social justice. Applications must be submitted no later than Monday, May 13, 2024. 

Calling All Faith Leaders: Defend Voters in 2024 Election!

Are you interested in training opportunities for civic engagement as a member of the faith community? Empower yourself, safeguard democracy, and begin the journey to become a poll chaplain for the upcoming election!

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