Friday, March 8, 2024

SojoMail - Meet the women at the forefront of faith and justice


In this week’s SojoMail, Lexi Schnaser writes about women from myriad backgrounds who are shaping the church:

Each year at Sojourners we celebrate Women’s History Month by honoring the work of Christian women who are guiding the church to become a place of deeper welcome, justice, and wholeness.

The women in this list are fierce and kind, thoughtful and active, joyous and rooted. They are mothers, sisters, daughters, aunties, cousins, nieces, and friends. Their work spans a multitude of fields — they are peacemakers, academics, preachers, bakers, community leaders, podcasters, psychologists, and theologians — yet they are all connected by their Christian faith and vision of a more just world.

This year, we asked each woman to reflect on what she’d share to encourage her younger self, as well as offer a prayer or blessing for 2024. May we all be encouraged by their words and reflect on how we might encourage all the women and girls in our own lives.




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Churches To Play Key Role in Spending $1 Billion Toward Climate Change (by Rebecca Randall)

“We know that trees are God’s best filters of the air, so it’s significant for public health that we plant trees,” Pastor Dean Van Farowe told Sojourners.

‘Dune: Part Two’ Unmasks the Danger of Prophecies (by Ezra Craker)

Amid the sandworms and spaceships, Denis Villeneuve’s second Dune installment asks critical questions of storytelling, salvation, and hope.

‘The N-Word of God’ Subverts Racist Iconography (by Yanan Rahim Navarez Melo)

Mark Doox’s Afro-surrealist graphic novel recasts profane, anti-Black caricatures as sacred symbols of resilience.

Progressive Christians Aren’t Always Better Neighbors (by Josiah R. Daniels)

A lot of churches don’t want to admit this, says David Leong, but they don’t actually know their neighbors.


From the Magazine

My Spiritual Director Told Me I Needed a Silent Retreat (by Laurel Mathewson)

How the humor and honesty of a 16th-century Spanish nun helped me trust God.


Courage to Preach Program at Boston College

Starting this summer, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry will offer a post-master’s certificate program called Courage to Preach. Courage to Preach will teach methods for preaching and teaching diverse audiences, with a focus on integrating faith resources with contemporary issues such as racial, economic, and environmental justice. 

With 1 Million Leaving the Church Every Year, Is Gen Z the Faithless Generation? 

“Though we cannot fully answer what Gen Z is seeing that makes them disinterested in the Christian life, we know this generation cares about what is happening beyond the walls of the church and boundary lines of their faith community.” Read more of the newest sponsored article on

Equip Yourself to Serve Immigrant Neighbors through our Certificate Program

Join this certificate program for Christians and pastors committed to faith-rooted immigration justice. You will receive biblical, theological, legal, pastoral, and leadership tools by a faculty team of pastors, activists, psychologists, and theologians preparing Christians to work towards a more just world for immigrant communities!

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