Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Racial Equity & Women's Intercultural Ministries - We live, move, and have our being


A Message from RE&WIM's Director:

I write this as another person is the victim of warfare. I write this as another person is trying to figure out if they will have enough food to feed their family today. I write this as someone is fearful that they may be the target of hate that could cost them their lives based on their orientation and identity. I write this as another person watches their home being taken away. I write as someone is subjected to a law that tells them that their ancestral heritage reflected in their hair is not lawful in their state. I write this as a parent waits to hear if their child will make it through the night….



Rev. Shanea D. Leonard

Meet Lisette

Lisett Cruz began serving as an Administrative Assistant in Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries, Presbyterian Mission Agency in January 2024.


Lisett writes, “I'm from Georgia. I am a recent PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer alum. My year of service was from 2022 to 2023 in Tucson, Arizona. I worked with Iskashitaa Refugee Network and did other activism with the Tucson Borderlands Young Adult Volunteer program centered on border justice. I enjoy reading and dancing. The drinks I have on repeat are tea and Mexican Hot Chocolate. I'm really excited to be part of this team!”

Some fun facts about Lisette:
Lisette has been dancing since 7.
Lisette is your go to for event decoration. Her specialty is balloon decorating.

Welcome, Lisette!

Meet Keion

Rev. Keion Jackson is our new  Associate for Black/African Intercultural Congregation Support in Racial Ethnic & Women’s Intercultural Ministries, Presbyterian Mission Agency


Keion writes, “Let me introduce myself! I am an incredibly versatile individual from Newark, New Jersey. My talents include being a classically trained vocalist (baritenor), a flutist, and a pianist. While I began my ordination journey in the American Baptist Church, I have served PC(USA) churches and agencies for the past seven years. My interests are theological ethics, liturgical theology, rereading scripture, creating music, and introducing people to Christianity in the Reformed tradition. My hobbies include cigars, reading/writing, shopping, cooking/grilling, and go-carts. Although I went to an HBCU Divinity School, I consider Pittsburgh Theological Seminary my home! “


If you ever meet Keion in person, these would be great conversation starters:

1. His favorite colors are black, white, hints of red, sometimes green or blue

2. He loves animals.

3. Favorite book–The Cross and the Lynching Tree by the Rev. James H. Cone, Ph.D.”

Welcome Keion!

Want to learn how you can save a life?

Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries is hosting a free virtual NARCAN training on March 19. Join trainer Patricia Osterhoudt to learn how you can equip yourself to care for those with addiction. 

Save a life narcan training

Spreading the Vision of Matthew 25 across the Church

Matthew 25 is a living translation of Jesus Christ — strengthening relationships, transforming your church, and bringing alive your commitment to those who are marginalized or in need in your community and the world around us. Make no mistake, Jesus is calling us to perform ordinary acts of compassion in daily life. But we have also been called to consider the factors that led to these conditions, to confront the causes of inequality, to confess the sin of greed and to correct the problem of poverty — whether in our own nation and neighborhood, or around the world.


Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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