Monday, March 25, 2024

Presbyterian Justice & Peace - Spotlight on the Presbyterian Hunger Program

hands holding seeds

Dear Friends,


Conflicts in so many parts of the world continue to kill, divide, and break people and nations. And for the first time in decades, hunger and poverty are on the rise globally. With everything happening, it seems that achieving a world of peace and justice is an unreachable goal.

But then we look at the incredible partners that we have around the world and the work they do every day, very often within difficult contexts. They are on the ground, taking incredible risks daily, to better their communities and the world, defending life from the systems of death.


Eileen Schuhmann

Idalin Luz Montes Bobé states, "Our systems try to shame us, silence us, and divide us, but the Holy Spirit unites us and imparts the ability to deliver a message. We will not be divided, ridiculed, or vilified. We all have messages about defending life—messages that God wants others to hear. The Holy Spirit is moving in our midst."


Peace and grace,


Eileen Schuhmann,

Associate for Global Engagement and Resources

Presbyterian Hunger Program


(Photo by Andrew Kang Bartlett)

Members of a peasant organization march. Photo by Cindy Corell.

Peasant movement filled with farmers who fight for rights

Woman in Gaza picking tomatoes

For the past decade, the Presbyterian Hunger Program has partnered with a Gaza organization working on food security


Clean and safe water for families on Zapatera Island

Abandoned Mining-pits in Cameroon

Abandoned mining pits pose risks to families in Cameroon


Sri Lankans and Palestinians in common struggle for human rights

Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine at the center of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem

Christians called to challenge settler violence in Palestine


Transition minerals at heart of the war in DR Congo


Spreading the Vision of Matthew 25 across the Church

Matthew 25 is a living translation of Jesus Christ — strengthening relationships, transforming your church, and bringing alive your commitment to those who are marginalized or in need in your community and the world around us. Make no mistake, Jesus is calling us to perform ordinary acts of compassion in daily life. But we have also been called to consider the factors that led to these conditions, to confront the causes of inequality, to confess the sin of greed and to correct the problem of poverty — whether in our own nation and neighborhood, or around the world.


Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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