Friday, October 27, 2023

Take Action: Humanitarian Crisis in Middle East

Take Action!

Department of Service to Palestine Refugees office in Gaza

Your help is urgently needed to support the people impacted by the conflict in Palestine and Israel.  

Here are three ways you can respond:  


Join with KAIROS Canada and member churches and agencies by calling on the Canadian government to respond to the escalating violence in Palestine and Israel by:  

  • calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the violence 
  • ensuring humanitarian assistance is provided and a safe corridor for aid is opened
  • ensuring civilians are protected 
  • calling for the safe and immediate return of all hostages and civilians being held in detention without charge
Use our online letter writing template to send an email directly to Foreign Affairs Minister, The Hon. Mélanie Joly, and your local MP. 

Please send your email today!

The United Church of Canada has also signed on to a number of statements from our partners and other organizations calling for a ceasefire to the conflict. 


Mission and Service partners are currently responding to those who are impacted by the conflict in West Bank and East Jerusalem. Partners are prepared to expand their activity into Gaza when a humanitarian corridor is opened, allowing for safe access to provide relief. Currently, there is an urgent need for food, as well as non-food items such as medicines, psychosocial support, and shelter. Please donate today! 

Donate today!


Finally, please pray for peace with justice for the people of Palestine and Israel. As people of faith, we bring the grief, compassion, and concerns of a hurting world to God. Additional prayers can be found here and on the Canadian Council of Churches website. 

Thank you for your support. Follow the latest updates on our website and on social media about how the United Church and our partners are responding to the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East.  

[Image credit: Al Jedeh /DSPR]

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