Friday, July 28, 2023

Presbyterian Justice & Peace - Yearning for the winds of change

hands holding seeds

(Photo by Katarzyna Kos via Unsplash)

As the hot summer months continue, I am often reminded of the brief and sustaining relief of a breeze. Our world is growing ever warmer as the climate crisis rages and these cool summer breezes are becoming more and more rare, and yet they are so divine. A breeze cuts through the thickness of the humid air, making its way to us so that we may feel its presence, its nurturing, its way of holding memory, and its pleasure.

More than ever, we need a breeze in a world so thick with hatred, so hot with hostility toward difference, so consuming with the evils of white supremacy and racism, so blistering with queerphobia and transphobia, so obsessed with stealing joy. This type of breeze, this Spirit, may seem so few and far between; however, they exist. They swirl in places that offer action rather than egocentric words with no substance. They blow in the spaces where people live in their joy and their authenticity. 


Sometimes these breezes have to be made like being on the porch with a big ole church fan. Action causes these breezes to build and build, overcoming the forces that tell us, "We are not enough." So may we take time in our lives to feel the breeze of the Divine. May we take care of our Earth and all that is within her. May our words be more than the breath it takes to speak them. And may you find joy, love and pleasure in the wind, in the coolness of the breeze and the One who created us to be who we truly are. Amen. 



Rev. Lee Catoe,

Editor of Unbound

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Spreading the Vision of Matthew 25 across the Church

The PC(USA) believes that we are called to serve Jesus by contributing to the well-being of the most vulnerable in all societies – rural and urban, small and large, young and not-so-young. From affordable housing to community gardens to equitable educational and employment opportunities to healing from addiction and mental illness to enacting policy change – there is not just one way to be a part of the Matthew 25 movement.


Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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