The conflict that broke out in Sudan last month has left hundreds dead, more than 4,000 wounded, as many as 300,000 scrambling to escape the bloodshed within Sudan, and at least 100,000 more already crossing into bordering countries. Among those fleeing the country are South Sudanese, Egyptians, and other nationals who had found safety in Sudan. Hundreds of thousands of people remain displaced in South Sudan as the United Nations and other humanitarian and faith-based organizations struggle to feed, clothe, shelter, and provide medical care where needed. There appears to be no end in sight to the conflict that has two opposing generals fighting for control and power. Many believe the only way this will end is when one of the armies is defeated. But what will be the final cost?

In Khartoum, thousands seek to leave the city, but the excessive cost of transportation and unsafe roads are keeping many stranded. We continue to hear from churches along the roads leading north and south from Khartoum that they are overwhelmed by human needs, especially trauma care. Hospitals and humanitarian organizations are targets of widespread looting. Refugee camps along the Sudanese border are packed beyond capacity while other countries, facing their own crises, are seeing growing numbers of refugees at their borders with little or no means to care for them. There are reports that many camps for internally displaced people are being burned to the ground. There is fear that the conflict will result in a new war in the region that could drag on for years.

Let us continue to be in prayer for the people of Sudan, South Sudan, and other neighboring countries as they desperately seek safety from the conflict. Let us pray especially for those who are suffering the most — women, children, and the elderly. Pray for our global partners: the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church as well as groups such as RECONCILE, which will be conducting trauma healing workshops in the town of Renk in South Sudan.  

We also pray for the governments and communities who are now hosting Sudanese and South Sudanese, that they remain open to receiving those in search of safety, and for the humanitarian workers who are working in extremely unstable situations to ensure their survival.

May God hear the cries of those who seek peace, for the sounds of guns to be replaced by the sounds of song, and that this burning hate be transformed into a new love for all people.

To contribute to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s efforts to directly support partners in Sudan, gifts can be made to DR00097-Sudan, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance’s crisis response and recovery initiatives in Sudan.

To support advocacy efforts in the region, contributions can be made to E052152, the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and the Office of Public Witness in Washington, D.C.

Let us look to God, our help, our hope, and our salvation.

Stated Clerk Signature
Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)