Friday, February 3, 2023 Petition: Losing grizzly bear protections - Protect Grizzly Bears from Trophy Hunters

Protect Grizzly Bears from Trophy Hunters

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We Need Your Help To Keep Protections In Place!

Once again, Grizzly bears in the lower 48 States face the risk of losing their Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections. The Governor of Montana and avid trophy hunter, Greg Gianforte, has spearheaded this movement for Montana grizzlies, specifically, the grizzlies in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE). In Wyoming, Governor Mark Gordon claims Yellowstone grizzlies have made "monumental success" and has petitioned to revoke their protections with the talk of a future trophy hunt.

It has taken 47 years of ESA protections to bring the grizzlies back from the brink of extinction. Today, after years of being protected, there are only an estimated 1,800 grizzly bears in the lower 48 States, occupying a mere 6% of their historical range.

Grizzly bears are fall victim to vehicle strikes, hunters, wildlife officials, and poachers every year. At least 88 grizzlies were killed last year, 42 in Wyoming, 43 in Montana, and 3 in Idaho. De-listing grizzly bears will not solve problems. It will create more problems. Instead, we need stronger laws and rules to abide by while in grizzly territory and harsher punishments for those who break the law and harm grizzlies. Human behaviors need to change, and we need to understand that we are a part of nature, not above nature. Our actions significantly impact the well-being of this planet’s species as a whole, and we have a responsibility to safeguard wildlife and land for future generations to come.

We urge you to politely contact the Director of Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks, Henry Worsech and request that he keeps the Endangered Species Act protections for our grizzlies in the lower 48 States.
Thank you so much for taking action!

Henry Worsech
Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks

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