Friday, February 10, 2023

Annual Meeting Minutes & New Lent Resource


Minutes from the Presbyterians for Earth Care 2023 Annual Meeting, held online on January 24th, are now available. CLICK HERE to download the document from our website home page.

Paul Galbreath believes that the season of Lent is less about giving things up and more about opening up to discover God’s presence around us especially in the natural world. However, he discovered early on in his journey that many people lack the resources to connect stewardship of the earth with their own faith.

His new book, Elemental: A Journey Through Lent with the Earth, offers an intriguing, scripture-based format to bridge the gap of how people relate their own individual environmental activities to Christian faith.

Galbreath coordinates an element with each day of the week by primarily focusing on the events of Holy Week and allowing emerging themes to guide the pattern for the season of Lent.. The seven elements and their corresponding days are: Earth (Wednesday), Water (Thursday), Trees (Friday), Rocks (Saturday), Wheat/Bread (Sunday), Sky/Sun (Monday), Wind (Tuesday).

In addition to scripture, Galbreath provides a page of reflection designed to help readers understand what is going on in the text as well as ways to look for God’s presence around us in nature. The resource includes original drawings by artist Tara Taber as well as space for journaling brief thoughts. It is currently available to order at as well as other online retailers.

Just Creation Conference: Shalom for Our Common Home

Columbia Theological Seminary
March 16-18, 2023

Focused on environmental justice, theologians, scientists, artists, and activists will reflect on how the church moves forward in a time of precipitous climate change. Centering the conference are opening and closing keynote sessions nationally-known speakers and three plenary sessions. Each plenary session will feature a theologian, a scientist, and an activist who will guide conferees reflections on “Earth,” “Air,” and “Water.” Conferees will also have the opportunity to take part in workshops and worship and engage artists and their work.

Presbyterians for Earth Care is thrilled to be sponsoring this exciting conference. PEC Moderator Bruce Gillette will be presenting a workshop titled "Equipping Your Congregation for Creation Care". For more information about the conference, visit the website HERE.

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