Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Vote for the Earth, COP27 has Begun, Eating for Healthy Climate

Climate is on the Ballot!
What can YOU do at the polls to help ensure that the protection and restoration of God's Creation remains a focal point now and in the future?  Here are some tips from the presenters representing Blessed Tomorrow in our recent Climate on the Ballot Webinar:

from Rev. Carol Devine - 
  1. Every one of us vote
  2. Each of us contact at least 10 other people and ask them to vote (send them info on when, where, how to vote)
  3. Provide rides to polls
  4. Provide food and water to those standing in line to vote
  5. Communicate (talk) about both climate and voting – EcoAmerica Social MediaToolkit
from Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley -
We need to Organize, Strategize, Mobilize (Faith without mobilization is dead.)

from Rev. Dr. Jim Antal -
We are voting to elect leaders to guide transformation in our society.
Sacred principles to evaluate candidates (supported by every faith tradition in the world):
  1. Addressing the needs of the least of these among us
  2. Assuring and advancing justice
  3. Promoting the common good
  4. Telling and adhering to the truth
  5. Preserving the restoring the integrity of creation
To watch the webinar recording, as well as access a helpful list of election-related resources, CLICK HERE to visit our Climate on the Ballot web page.

What is COP27? What you need to know about the U.N. climate summit. World leaders will meet in Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh for climate talks, as the United Nations warns "the work ahead is immense." (Washington Post)

PC(USA) Delegation to Attend COP27
Do It All for the Glory of God: Eating for a Healthy Climate
Webinar Hosted by PEC

Most are aware that combustion of fossil fuels is the dominant cause of climate change, but did you know there is another, largely hidden source responsible for as much as one-third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions?  Scientists have shown that even if fossil fuels were eliminated immediately, emissions from the global food system alone would make it impossible to prevent catastrophic climate change. This presentation will explain how food is contributing to the climate emergency, and offer science-based guidelines for making everyday dietary choices to reduce our climate “foodprint”. By being mindful of the environmental impact of our diets, our meals can become a joyful expression of our Christian values, honoring the right of children and all Creation to a safe climate and a livable future, all for the glory of God.

Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Time: 7:00 pm Eastern (4:00 pm Pacific)

Presenter: Dr. Suzanne Jones, Montclair Presbyterian Church

Can we help you and/or your church care for creation?  
Help us grow! Please let us know if  there is anyone we should add to our list!
Email us at

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC on our secure website for donations.
Presbyterians for Earth Care is a national eco-justice network that cares for God’s creation by connecting, equipping, and inspiring Presbyterians to make creation care a central concern of the church.
Copyright © 2022 Presbyterians for Earth Care, All rights reserved.
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Presbyterians for Earth Care
P.O. Box 3851
Allentown, PA 18106

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