Wednesday, November 2, 2022 Petition: Stop Baby Goslings from being KILLED by Cassata Org on Long Island!

A resident of a luxury apartment complex on Long Island recorded two employees from the apartment’s property management company grabbing 7 baby geese by their wings and throwing them in their truck. When confronted, they laughed and drove away. The complex owner uses this cruel practice at 6 other buildings in New York, and refuses to respond to requests for nonlethal wildlife management. Petition starter John is the executive director of Humane Long Island, and started his petition to stop this inhumane practice and protect innocent baby goslings. You can help by signing the petition now.

Urgent: Stop Baby Goslings from being KILLED by Cassata Org on Long Island!

3,556 have signed John Di Leonardo’s petition. Let’s get to 5,000!

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On Wednesday, May 11, 2022, a resident of luxury apartment complex Victorian Gardens in Holtsville NY videotaped two men coralling mother geese and their babies before grabbing the babies by their wings and hauling them away. Authorities tell us they were likely killed. When the resident questioned the abductors about a permit and informed them she was calling the authorities, they allegedly laughed and called her a c*nt. They then collected the evidence and drove off with the goslings, leaving more behind.

While this witness surely saved the lives of several families at her apartment complex, at least seven babies are now missing and all remain in danger should these thugs return. Humane Long Island (formerly known as Long Island Orchestrating for Nature - LION) has reached out to Michele Cassata of the Cassata Organization who owns Victorian Gardens and at least six other luxury apartment complexes on Long Island, however, she has not returned any of our calls or emails. 

Please join us in urging Ms. Cassata and the Cassata Organization to immediately end lethal roundups on their properties and to pursue only humane, nonlethal wildlife management techniques moving forward. Then call Cassata Org at 631-218-6440 and leave them a voicemail at one of their extensions. 

You may also join us for a protest outside of Victorian Gardens at 2 Victorian Ct, Holtsville, NY 11742 on Thursday, May 19 at noon!

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