Friday, November 25, 2022 Petition: Calling for the Us Congress Action to Stop Human Right Violation in Iran


Iranian Scholars in the US started this petition to The U​.​S. Congress, and it now has 3,263 signatures

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To the honorable members of the US Congress,

As a group of Iranian students and faculty at the renowned institutions all over the US, Iranian-American citizens, and supporters of the Iranian people, we would like to address the esteemed representatives of our state in the U.S. Congress to express our extreme concerns about the violation of human rights in Iran and ask them to stand in solidarity with the people of Iran and take solid actions to stop the Islamic Republic Regime.

What is happening?

  • September 16th: Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman, was killed by the so-called “Morality Police” because of her “inappropriate” hijab, which triggered nationwide and global protests in a unanimous call for justice.
  • More than 260 million Tweets have been shared on this movement and 500,000 people rallied in the streets of over 150 cities against the regime only on October 1st.
  • The Islamic Republic regime has shut down the Internet, arrested thousands of protesters, and killed over 250 civilians including 11 children and teenagers.
  • September 30th (the “Bloody Friday"): the regime killed more than 82 protesters and bystanders that were saying prayers outside Zahedan’s main mosque, using live ammunition.
  • October 2nd: on the International Day of Non-Violence, the commemoration of which was proposed by an Iranian woman, Shirin Ebadi, Noble Laureat, the regime attacked Sharif University of Technology  one of the most prominent STEM schools in Iran, to oppress the students’ peaceful protests. Can you imagine the US government sending forces to surround Harvard and MIT students and start killing them?

Why you should care:

  • 1.5 million Iranians are now living in the U.S. and they deserve to be heard and protected.
  • An attack on women’s rights is an attack on all human’s rights. In this condition, remaining silent is violence.
  • The Islamic Republic Regime is a threat to the stability of the Middle East, supports international terrorism, and contributes to the energy crisis in the world.

How can you support this movement?

  • Do not release the regime’s $7 billion of frozen funds in any kind of deals. Activate Magnitsky act and impose new targeted sanctions on the Islamic Republic officials and those in charge of oppression, including Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, that disseminates false and censured news. 
  • Re-examine the immigration and non-immigration file, block the assets, and deport persons connected to the Regime, including but not limited to the children of the Islamic Regime officials, from the US. (Did you know that son of Masoumeh Ebtekar, Iran’s former Vice President for Women and Family Affairs and the spokeswoman of the students who took hostages and occupied the US Embassy in 1979, studied and lives in the US?)
  • Hold the Islamic Republic regime accountable for its systematic breach of human rights, including using ambulances as a disguise to secretly transport the arrested protestors, firing live ammunition on the protestors in Zahedan, illegal arrest of the peaceful protestors, and using children and official armed forces for oppression.
  • Facilitate the US visa process for Iranian applicants in life-threatening situations.

We are proud to recognize you as the voice of the people in our state, and we have no doubts that our request will receive your utmost consideration and actions towards serving the rights of human beings regardless of their nationality, race, ethnicity, etc. As Oscar Schindler said: “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”


Representatives of the Iranian Student Organizations at the following institutions have already joined this movement:
California State University Northridge
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve University
Clemson University
Florida International University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Louisiana State University
Michigan State University
North Carolina State University
Northwestern University
Oklahoma State University
Penn State University
Purdue University
Syracuse University
Texas a&m university
University of California, Los Angeles
University of central Florida
University of Cincinnati
University of Florida
University of Iowa
University of Kentucky
University of Pittsburgh
University of South Florida
University of Utah
University of Virginia
Washington state university

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