Monday, March 22, 2021 - Starbucks

Starbucks encourages people to use reusable cups and has phased out straws. Jacob, who is lactose intolerant, wants to know why milk alternatives cost more if Starbuck cares about the planet. Alternatives are more eco-friendly, plus they give options to people with dietary restrictions. Sign his petition to tell Starbucks plant milk shouldn’t add nearly a dollar to the cost of a latte.

Stop the Alternative Milk Up-Charge

2,313 have signed Jacob Rositano’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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I have been lactose intolerant since I was 12 years old. It is amazing to see the alternative options that now exist for people like me. I can actually enjoy things people typically can like desserts and lattes. Ever since I started drinking coffee, I have loved mochas, lattes, frappes, cappuccinos, and more. However, every time I get something at Starbucks that typically has milk, I get charged extra.Even though I have no other option!

While I am not a vegan, this up-charge also effects those who do not want to partake in animal products. It is basically a charge to be healthier and stay away from cow milk. And while $0.10 off for reusable cups is great, a better help to the environment is to drink non-dairy milks. 

Starbucks has made a commitment to sustainability including the desire to increase their plant-based offerings. They even brag about their innovative menu options. "Expanding Starbucks plant-based menu globally is one of the ways we are pursuing our goal to reduce our carbon footprint by 50%." This is an amazing goal. and luckily, they want to also hear feedback from us, their customers. If their goal is to reduce their carbon footprint, why are they making it more challenging for customers to help reach that goal? 

Dairy production has a considerable effect on the environment. According the the World Wildlife Foundation it takes 144 gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk. In a 2019 report, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations found that total greenhouse gas emissions have increased 18% from 2005 to 2015. The BBC reports that producing a glass of dairy milk results in almost three times the greenhouse gas emissions of any non-dairy milks.

One simple way for Starbucks to care about the planet, its customers, and reaching their carbon footprint goal is to eliminate the up-charge for non-dairy milks.

This petition is to get Starbucks to take some of their large profit margins and stop charging for alternative milks. Starbucks has some of the highest prices for alternative milk, more than most local coffee shops. There are even small coffee shops that do not charge for alternative milks. 

Starbucks, all milk options should be free.  Stop punishing those of us who have a dietary restriction. Help the environment by promoting non-dairy alternatives. Help us help you reach your sustainability goals. I want to continue visiting your stores, but hate that my drink is almost a $1 more because I cannot drink cow’s milk. You have the money. You have the ability. Please, help me. 

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