Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Presbyterian Justice & Peace - Spotlight on the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program

hands holding seeds

As summer days give way to autumn color and coolness, we anticipate a season of beauty and busyness. We also move into another polarized and charged election season, electric with discord, fraught with division and rife with incivility. Times like these seem to bring out the best and the worst of the electorate, exposing both the wonder and worry of U.S. citizenship and the strength and fragility of democracy.


This fall is a good and opportune time to remind ourselves that Presbyterians have always cared about and contributed to the well-being of society. We’ve always worked for the betterment of all, including the least, the lost and the left behind. We have lots of examples of that, and this year will be no different.


The resources in this Focus newsletter will help you seek peace and pursue it in church, community, nation and world. Use these resources to inspire your peacemaking witness and to equip your congregations and communities to engage in peacemaking in all realms of life. During the upcoming Season of Peace, may we all be bearers of good news, makers of peace, and sowers of justice. God knows our communities, nation and world need all of that as much today as ever!


Peace be with you,


Rev. Carl E. Horton,

Presbyterian Peacemaking Program


Resources available to help with Season of Peace planning

Path of Peace Advert

Receive daily Path of Peace reflections ahead of World Communion Sunday


Peacemakers to visit 38 presbyteries Sept. 13-Oct. 7


Welcome Dr. Andrew Peterson as he makes podcast debut Sept. 5 on 'A Matter of Faith'


Register now for the third and final webinar in this series


Join 'A Future with Hope: A Travel Study Seminar to the Republic of Cuba'


'Seeking To Be Faithful: Guidelines for Presbyterians During Times of Disagreement' available in English, Spanish and Korean


Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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