Monday, August 5, 2024

Gun Violence Prevention for Congregations Aug. News

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

Gun Violence Prevention

News for Congregations

Aug. 2024

In a violent summer, with gun violence now the number one killer of American children, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) adopted a new commitment to protect children from gun violence. Every congregation can help.

"The children of this nation are tired of dying."

Photo: GA Commissioner and PPF member Ben Fitzgerald-Fye speaks to GA

Watch the Assembly Plenary debate and vote on the "Overture Calling for Action so that Children May Live Free from Gun Violence" HERE.

Start at the 1 hour, 25 minute mark of the video.

Find the text of the unanimous Overture HERE

See the Rationale section of the Overture for action ideas and resources for your congregation.

You can also watch the GA Committee on Domestic Engagement on June 25 as they considered the Overture and heard from local Presbyterians by Zoom.

Watch HERE for June 25 Part I at the 22 minute mark, including PPFer Temple Hiatt (IA) on secure gun storage.

Watch HERE for June 25 Part 2 as Overture Advocates from CT, IL, NY, MI and MO speak to the GA Committee, and the Committee takes up the debate. Start at the 2 hour, 51 minute mark. The Overture came to GA with endorsement from 12 presbyteries. Special thanks to Rev. Margery Rossi for coordinating Overture support and to all who testified, wrote, prayed, voted and helped!

Next Step: Bringing the Overture to Life in our Congregations.

PPF member Cheryl Hunt (CA) will lead the first workshop on implementing the Overture at the Presbyterian Women National Gathering in St. Louis this month. So far, 200 people have signed up for the workshop! Participants in the Atwood Institute will receive training in how to do BeSMART for Kids Campaigns.

Highlights of the General Assembly Debate:

“I was an elementary school teacher for 14 years. One of my colleagues was shot point blank in the chest by a student in the Middle School, five miles from my school…. Not only did we do fire drills, but we did “Code Red” drills, teaching students how to hide under a desk away from the windows…Our children live with fear.”  

---Susan Goodman, Commissioner, Nevada Presbytery

This month marks my 45th year as a pediatrician. I have seen the impact of gun violence….Inquisitive…young children cannot be effectively taught that guns are dangerous and consistently follow those teachings. Adolescents cannot have their inherent compulsiveness removed, nor the significant incidence of depression that affects one in three teenagers…. The presence of guns in homes is a major danger to children. Today guns are the number one cause of death of children and adolescents, with most of those being suicides…. We must put our names with those who protect children and support this resolution.”   ---Dr. Lemuel Arnold, Commissioner, Cherokee Presbytery

"One month ago I graduated --or should I say I survived-- High School, which some of my classmates were not so lucky to do. I would like to ask the Assembly if you have ever received an "I love you" text from your children? I know that many of my fellow Young Adult Advisory Delegates have sent them, hiding under tables in dark rooms, wielding textbooks and laptops as weapons. I know that most of the Commissioners have never had to watch a ten minute video on what to do in the event of a school shooting during your freshmen year orientation. I assume that you have never attended a vigil for a classmate who was killed by gun violence....I ask you to put yourselves in our shoes..."

--Bridgette Bol, Young Adult Advisory Delegate, Lake Michigan Presbytery

Also at General Assembly in Salt Lake City...

Media story on Guns to Gardens at General Assemby HERE and a Radio interview on it HERE.

Photo: Atwood Institute Keynote Speaker:

John Dear, Activist, Catholic Priest, Biblical Scholar

Last Call on Atwood Institute!

Deadline Aug. 8 to Register for

Aug 22-25 Ghost Ranch, NM

The James Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage

We have a GREAT group coming, over 70 folks from 18 states, District of Columbia and Colombia. Still room for more! Find Info and Register HERE.

See the Institute Faculty HERE. Find a news update on the Atwood Institute HERE.

Apply for a Scholarship HERE Thank you to all scholarship donors!

Donate to Sponsor Scholarships HERE

Atwood Institute SPONSORS ---THANK YOU!

Fall Zoom Action Circles:

Explore How to Do

Guns to Gardens

at your Church

Thursdays Sept. 19-Oct. 17

Noon ET or 7:30 pm ET

One Hour Per Week, Plus One Hour of Preparation

Learn More & Register

Noon ET HERE or 7:30 pm ET HERE

The Presbyterian Decade to End Gun Violence offers grants for action projects. Congratulations to those who have received grants! Be very specific about your project in your application. Apply HERE.


Guns to Gardens

T-shirts and sweatshirts with

the Guns to Gardens logo on the front

and Isaiah 2:4 on the back. Order for your church volunteers for gun violence prevention events or as a gift.

Order HERE

Congratulations and thank you to Rev. Margery Rossi, now Coordinator of the Gun Violence Prevention Ministry of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship!

Support PPF's Gun Violence Prevention Ministry

We need support from churches, individuals and presbyteries to do this work. Gifts of all amounts are needed.

Gifts are tax-deductible.

Give HERE or

Mail checks to:

"Presbyterian Peace Fellowship"

att: Gun Violence Prevention

17 Cricketown Rd.

Stony Point, NY 10980 Thank you.


Rev. Margery Rossi, Coordinator

Rev. Jan Orr-Harter, Editor

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