Thursday, June 8, 2023

United Action for Justice: End Canada’s Support to the Counter-Terrorism Campaign in the Philippines

United Action for Justice focuses on the justice work of the United Church. UAJ shares worship and education resources, news from church ministries, networks, and partners, and opportunities for taking action locally and globally.

End Canada’s Support to the Counter-Terrorism Campaign in the Philippines

Call on the Canadian government to ensure that funding to the Government of the Philippines does not harm human rights defenders. 

Church leaders in the Philippines pray for Supreme Court justices to exercise sound judgment in striking down the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.
Church leaders in the Philippines pray for Supreme Court justices to exercise sound judgment in striking down the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.

The United Church of Canada joins with other denominations and civil society organizations to express deep concern that the Canadian government is inadvertently enabling continued attacks on human rights and human rights defenders by providing financial, programmatic, and technical support to the Government of the Philippines. Canada risks being complicit in extrajudicial killings, arbitrary and irregular searches, arrests and detention, vilification and harassment campaigns. and other severe human rights violations associated with the counter-insurgency campaign. 

[Image credit: Jonathan Sta. Rosa (National Council of Churches in the Philippines)]

What’s Happening in the Philippines 

In July 2020, the Government of the Philippines approved the Anti-Terrorism Act, which allows attacks on the basic rights of its critics in the name of fighting “terrorism.” The Act’s definition of terrorism remains vague enough that it blurs the distinction between legitimate criticism of the government and criminality. 

The Philippine government is using its counter-terrorism campaign to criminalize dissent, target human rights defenders and critics of the government, and constrict democracy. This has resulted in extrajudicial killings;* false charges; arbitrary and irregular searches, arrests, and detention; and other severe human rights violations of those who challenge the government; these individuals have been accused of terrorism. 

More information can be found in this briefing from the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP): Why Canada Must Stop Funding the Philippine Counter-Terrorism Campaign. ICHRP is a global network of organizations concerned about the human rights situation in the Philippines. The United Church of Canada is a board member of the active Canadian chapter.  

*Since July 2016 Mission and Service partner Karapatan has documented 469 cases of politically motivated extrajudicial—beyond the action or authority of a court—killings. 

Take Action!

Contact Foreign Affairs Minister The Honourable Mélanie Joly, MP, requesting that the Government of Canada:

  1. Make available how projects funded to build the capacity of the military, police, and other security agencies in the Philippines to fight terrorism have been monitored to ensure compliance with international human rights.

  1. Withdraw support from the Philippine government’s counter-terrorism campaign.

  1. Call on the Government of the Philippines to repeal the Anti-Terrorism Act. 

Engage your community by sharing this letter with friends and family

Pray for those facing human rights abuses and those seeking justice.  

Living Out Our Call 

We believe The United Church of Canada is called to witness in love and justice to the liberating, healing Christ risen in this place and time.  
—The United Church of Canada Strategic Plan 

The United Church of Canada is called into public witness of its call to Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice, and Deep Spirituality. The church maintains longstanding relationships with partners in the Philippines who are advocating for protection of human rights, civil society space, and democracy. Mission and Service partners such as the National Council of Churches in the Philippines and Karapatan, focus on human rights advocacy, ecumenical engagement, and protection of Indigenous rights and ancestral lands. Mutual engagement with global partners reflects the church’s commitment to join with others in the common task of caring for one another and the whole of God’s creation to see a world transformed by love. 

Guided by the Global Partnership Principles,** The United Church of Canada strives alongside global partners to realize God’s mission for wholeness of life. 

Jesus, whom we seek to follow, announced the coming of God’s reign, not of domination but of peace, justice, and reconciliation, and therefore calls us to struggle against the principalities and powers that seek to undermine a world of justice and love. 
—Reviewing Partnership in the Context of Empire, p. 29 

One way that the United Church has lived out this call with partners in the Philippines is through Investigate PH, which was an initiative of peoples from all over the world concerned about the state of human rights in the Philippines. Civil society organizations and institutions held independent investigations into the human rights violations in the country. The findings were submitted to relevant United Nations bodies in 2021 to urge them to hold perpetrators of human rights violations in the Philippines accountable and to deliver justice to victims. The Rev. Dr. Michael Blair, General Secretary of The United Church of Canada, was among the high-level commissioners. 

**“Statement on Global Partnership (2008)” in Reviewing Partnership in the Context of Empire, (Toronto: The United Church of Canada: 2009), p. 29, > Global Partnership.  

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