Monday, May 2, 2022 Petition: She was punched in the face - Stop Abuse Against Sports Officials

Kristi Moore was working as an umpire at a softball tournament when an angry mother punched her in the face. Because Kristi didn’t require hospitalization, the mother was only fined $422. Miguel started his petition because, as someone who has spent 40 years of his life around baseball, he knows enough is enough. He wants leagues at the national level of all sports to impose heftier penalties for those who abuse sports officials. Sign his petition now to protect these referees and umpires.

Stop Abuse Against Sports Officials

8,740 have signed Miguel Burgos’s petition. Let’s get to 10,000!

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Having spent 40 years of my life around baseball in all different capacities (player, coach, manager, parent and umpire) it pains me to see how disrespected the officials of the game (umpires) are treated. This holds true to every other sport as well. Belligerent fans, spectators, parents that think they can get away with abusing another human being trying to earn a penny.
What are we teaching our children? That assaulting another human being is OK? Do we beat up a cop because we broke a traffic law?

Officials in all sports are expected to be perfect in all their calls, and yet only 50% of the teams, fans, players will be happy with their call, regardless of how well applied the ruling is.

Just recently a sister (yes all officials are brothers and sisters) her name is Kristi Moore (see picture) got punched in the face at a 12 y/o softball tournament by an angry mother. This angry mother got a hefty fine ($422 yes I’m being sarcastic) because that’s the most they can get since the sister didn’t incur (thank God) hospitalization. Meanwhile the aggressor pays the fine, had a clean record with a slap of the hand and maybe, just maybe gets banned from that tournament.

What needs to change is to have a National sanction for actions like this, a heavy one, that makes people think twice about acting as a fool.

At the local tournament/league level: ban offender (parent, player and team) from entering any other tournaments. By doing this accountability will be placed on teams parents and players to behave in a sportsman manner.

At the National level: Imposing heftier penalties on the courthouse, fines high enough to make people think twice about acting foolishly. Making part of that fine go towards the affected official. Making the action go under a felony level.

Who can do something: Tournament / League directors. Right now tournament and leagues  are money making factories for the few. They don’t pay officials enough, they don’t protect the official they hire and keep bringing the team that pays the entry fee. Lawmakers by imposing high enough penalties. Schools by ensuring sporting behavior. Coaches ensuring they read the rules book, ensure their team’ behavior is in line. Parents by teaching their kids respect for authority figures. Players by learning the rules acting in good sportsmanship. Officials by ensuring they are educated on their respective sports. Town halls, city councils and all the way up the latter by ensuring these tournaments are monitored.

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