Monday, April 8, 2024

Presbyterians for Earth Care - Earth Day Worship Ideas and Events

Webinar Next Wednesday!

April Eco-Justice Worship Themes-

Plastics or Forests

The focus for the April 10th PEC Zoom evening workshop will be Earth Day worship resources from 2 sources: Creation Justice Ministries and the National Association of Conservation Districts. For Earth Sunday April 21st,  Creation Justice Ministries chose the theme “Plastic Jesus: Real Faith in a Synthetic World.” Since the 1950s. NACD has urged faith communities to observe “Soil and Water Stewardship Week” from the last Sunday of April through the first Sunday of May. Their theme this year is “May the Forest Be With You, Always.” So, in 2024 you can appropriately lift up creation care concerns Sunday April 21st, Sunday April 28th or Sunday May 5th!

Webinar Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Time: 7:30 pm EDT (6:30 CDT, 5:30 MDT, 4:30 PDT)

Presenter: The Rev. Dr. Janet Adair Hansen


Rev. Dr. Janet Adair Hansen, retired in 2018 after 36 years as a local pastor, the last 18 serving Christ Community Church in Cortland NY. From 2019-2021 she served as Interim Pastor for a UCC church next to Acadia National Park in Maine. She was a General Assembly Commissioner in 1990 in Salt Lake when the PCUSA adopted our major environmental justice policy statement and an original Restoring Creation Enabler trained at Ghost Ranch in 1996. From 1997-2003 she served on the Steering Committee for the predecessor to PEC – Presbyterians for Restoring Creation. She was Conference Coordinator for the national Eco-Justice Conference on “Living Waters” at St. Simon’s Island Feb. 2000. In Susquehanna Valley Presbytery in New York she helped the late Rev. Dr. William Gibson write the 2001 PCUSA statement on biodiversity loss and threatened mass extinction. She served the Synod of the Northeast on the Public Policy Advocacy Network for 13 years, the last 7 as Moderator. Since retiring, Janet has volunteered and worked at Yellowstone National Park, 2 California Redwoods State Parks, a Gulf Coast Texas State Park, and 6 New York State Parks.

M.Div. Duke Divinity School, D.Min. San Francisco Theological Seminary (Dissertation “Wilderness Spirituality”).  Janet presented a workshop at the 2021 PEC Conference titled "Celebrating Worship & Creation Care".  The recording of the workshop can be found by CLICKING HERE.


Interfaith Earth Day Celebration Service at US Capitol

Presbyterians for Earth Care encourages you to join with the PCUSA to celebrate this Earth Day and recommit to the work of caring for our shared planet! Here’s how:

We will reflect the successes of the past year and project our hopes for the coming year. Stand with other faith leaders, activists, and policy officials at the place where decisions are made to protect and preserve the Earth!

We will meet at 10:00 am in the Capitol Visitor Center SVC 201 on Thursday, April 18th. All participants must RSVP using this form, names will be checked at the door. Light refreshments will be served, and programming will begin promptly at 10. We look forward to seeing you there!

In the 2024—2025 PW/Horizons Bible study, over nine lessons, Patricia K. Tull leads readers through a study of our scriptural call to care for creation and neighbors and the ways (small and large) we can address or counter the impact of human-made stress on our environment. Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study Let Justice Roll Down is now available from the PCUSA Store. It is a wonderful resource that can be used beyond PW groups. Presbyterians for Earth Care plans to host a monthly study of Let Justice Roll Down on Zoom this fall.

Presbyterians for Earth Care – Advocating for caring for God’s creation at the 226th PCUSA General Assembly

You Can Help Us!

June 25 – July 4, 2024
Salt Lake City, Utah

The overtures supported by Presbyterians for Earth Care are now posted on the PCUSA Biz-link website with direct links to Overture 13 on removal of investments in and subsidies for fossil fuelsOverture 14 on becoming free from plastic pollution, and Overture 007 adoption of the sustainable peace pledge.

Overture 13: On Removal of Investments In and Subsidies for Fossil Fuels
Sponsor: Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley
Concurrence: Presbytery of the Highlands of NJ, Presbytery of New York City, National Capital Presbytery, Northwest Coast Presbytery

Overture 14: On Becoming Free from Plastic Pollution
Sponsor: Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley
Concurrence: Presbytery of the Highlands of NJ, Presbytery of New York City, Presbytery of Arkansas, National Capital Presbytery, Northwest Coast Presbytery

Overture 007: Adoption of the Sustainable Peace Pledge
Sponsor: Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery
Concurrence: Arkansas Presbytery, Boston Presbytery, Twin Cities Area Presbytery

You Can Help Us by talking with your Presbytery’s Commissioners to GA.  If they are supportive of the overtures, please email PEC their contact information (email and cell phone). 

Click Here for More Info & Updates

From Plastic Pollution to Environmental Justice

View our recent webinar related to the PEC-supported overture (OVT-014) on “Becoming Free from Plastic Pollution.” Presenter Avery Davis Lamb, Co-Executive Director of Creation Justice Ministries, expands on CJM’s Earth Day resource: “Plastic Jesus: Real Faith in a Synthetic World.” According to CJM, “Everywhere we look in our culture, you will find plastic. One place where you will not find plastic, however, is in the Bible.”

This webinar will help individuals and congregations think more deeply about the ways that plastics impact our lives and God’s creation. This PEC webinar intends to equip people of faith to take actions to address the plastic pollution epidemic in faithful and practical ways.

CLICK HERE for the Webinar Recording and Resources

CLICK HERE for the Presbyterian News Service article written by Mike Ferguson

Check your Email Inbox next week for an important message from PEC and how you can get involved with supporting our work in 2024!

How can we help you care for God’s creation?  Drop us an email and let us know at

Help us grow! Please let us know if there is anyone we should add to our list!  Just reply to this email.  Thank you!

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC through our website by CLICKING HERE.  Thank you!

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