Monday, December 4, 2023

Presbyterians for Earth Care - Please Vote Today! Nominations for PEC Steering Committee

Presbyterians for Earth Care
Steering Committee Election

We are happy to present the nominees for positions on the 2024 PEC Steering Committee.  If you are a member of PEC, or if you have donated to PEC, you are eligible to cast your vote in the Steering Committee Election.  (If you are not a member or donor to PEC, you can find more information about becoming a member HERE.)  Voting takes place online and will end on January 21, 2024.

For 2-Year Terms:

Jane Laping (Vice Moderator)

Jane Laping started on the PEC Steering Committee in 2010 and then served as Vice Moderator of PEC from 2012-2014. In 2015 she became PEC’s part-time Coordinator and held that position for six years. Jane is also active at the local and state level, leading the Creation Care Team at her church in Asheville, NC, heading the Earth Care Team of the Presbytery of Western North Carolina (WNC), and is on the Steering Team of the Creation Care Alliance of WNC.

Courtenay Willcox (Northeast Regional Rep.)

Courtenay’s passion around environmental issues is the third leg of a stool that also includes family and God. She moderated her church’s Environmental Justice Committee, founded a local interfaith green group, and partners with PA IPL to share resources with regional faith institutions. A recent seminary graduate with a certificate in environmental theology, she currently serves Tree of Life Church in Springfield, PA as a transitional pastor. And, for her, there is nothing like a sunrise walk on the beach!


Sam Hamilton-Poore (South Atlantic Regional Rep.) 

Sam Hamilton-Poore is pastor of the Montevallo Presbyterian Church in Montevallo, AL. His church is a long-time Earth Care Congregation in the PCUSA. He is also the author of "Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God's Creation" (Upper Room Books) and a spiritual director.  His wife Terry is also a Presbyterian minister and serves as pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL.

For 1-Year Term:

Matthias Peterson-Brandt (North Central Rep.)

Rev. Matthias Peterson-Brandt (he/him) ministers with the faithful folks of Cherokee Park United Church, a PCUSA/UCC congregation on the west side of St. Paul. TCPUC was awarded the “Restoring Creation Award” in 2021 by Presbyterians for Earth Care for over a decade of dedicated creation care efforts across many fronts—solar panel installation, eco-centric facilities upgrades, advocacy for climate legislation, and creative earth-centered worship services. 

For more detailed information about the candidates, CLICK HERE.

Click Here to Vote
2024 PEC Annual Meeting

Hear about what PEC has been up to, give input on future plans, and meet the members of the 2024 Steering Committee.  More information coming soon!

How can we help you care for God’s creation?  Drop us an email and let us know at


Help us grow! Please let us know if there is anyone we should add to our list!  Just reply to this email.  Thank you!

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC through our website by CLICKING HERE.  Thank you!

Copyright © 2023 Presbyterians for Earth Care, All rights reserved.

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