Monday, November 13, 2023

WCC news: WCC urges government of Nigeria to do more to address economic injustice

As the World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee met in Abuja, Nigeria, on 8-14 November, the governing body published a statement that included deep appreciation of Nigeria’s “astonishing diversity of cultures, languages, and religions”—as well as appeals to the Nigerian government to address economic injustice and other grave challenges facing the nation.

Refugees and host communities gather to sell and buy goods in the Minawao camp for Nigerian refugees, located in the Far North region of Cameroon. The camp hosts some 58,000 refugees from North East Nigeria. The refugees are supported by the Lutheran World Federation, together with a range of partners. Photo: Albin Hillert/LWF

13 November 2023

The statement “affirms the Nigerian churches’ strong commitment to interreligious dialogue and cooperation with the Nigerian Muslim community and institutions” and “welcomes all efforts by the government to address the concerns of Christians and Muslims alike.”

The WCC executive committee addressed Nigeria’s regional context, as many neighbouring or nearby countries are experiencing crises which impact on the region as a whole. 

"Displacement and instability in the region is being exacerbated by increasing environmental degradation and desertification due to climate change,” the statement notes. “Here in Nigeria, the WCC executive committee has received painful testimonies from the churches of the insecurity, violence, displacement, and persecution faced by Christians in northern Nigeria as well as in other parts of the country.”

The statement appeals to the Nigerian government and authorities to exert maximum effort to bring security and stability to the affected communities. “The executive committee is also acutely aware of the extreme economic inequality in Nigeria, and of the increasing daily struggle for subsistence faced by many Nigerians, while wealth and privilege accumulate in the hands of elite sectors of society,” the text reads. “Meanwhile, recent reports indicate that a significant proportion of Nigeria’s population is undernourished, representing a major hunger crisis for the nation.”

WCC executive committee statement on Nigeria, in the regional context of Africa

WCC “source of hope in this world,” says WCC moderator (WCC news release, 08 November 2023)

WCC general secretary to executive committee: “How can we be God’s healing and restoring presence?” (WCC news release, 08 November 2023)

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The World Council of Churches promotes Christian unity in faith, witness and service for a just and peaceful world. An ecumenical fellowship of churches founded in 1948, today the WCC brings together 352 Protestant, Orthodox, Anglican and other churches representing more than 580 million Christians in over 120 countries, and works cooperatively with the Roman Catholic Church. The WCC general secretary is Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay from the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa.

Media contact: +41 79 507 6363;
Our visiting address is:
World Council of Churches
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