Friday, November 17, 2023

Presbyterians for Earth Care - Holiday Webinar Recording Available and Save the Date for Next Webinar


Sustainable Holidays:

Celebrating Christmas with a Focus on Earth Care

Our Nov. 14th webinar presentation discussed the ecological issue of world-wide deforestation, what we can do about it, and ways to lessen our impact on the earth.  A special focus was given to One Tree Planted’s updated list of 15 ways to celebrate the holidays with more of a focus on caring for our natural environment.  We also learned about Presbyterian Hunger Program’s resources for ways to reclaim the holidays.  The recording of the webinar, along with accompanying links and resources, is now available for everyone to view and share as we approach this Advent season with a focus on earth care.


No place in the US is safe from the climate crisis, but a new report shows where it’s most severe

The effects of a rapidly warming climate are being felt in every corner of the US and will worsen over the next 10 years with continued fossil fuel use, according to a stark new report from federal agencies.

The Fifth National Climate Assessment, a congressionally mandated report due roughly every five years, warned that even though planet-warming pollution in the US is slowly decreasing, it is not happening nearly fast enough to meet the nation’s targets, nor is it in line with the UN-sanctioned goal to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius – a threshold beyond which scientists warn life on Earth will struggle to cope.

This year’s assessment reflects the reality that Americans can increasingly see and feel climate impacts in their own communities, said Katharine Hayhoe, a distinguished climate scientist at Texas Tech University and contributor to the report.

Read the full CNN Nov. 14, 2023 report HERE.

How can we help you care for God’s creation?  Drop us an email and let us know at

Help us grow! Please let us know if there is anyone we should add to our list!  Just reply to this email.  Thank you!

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC through our website by CLICKING HERE.  Thank you!

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Presbyterians for Earth Care - Pesticide and Pollinator Recording, April Webinar, & How to Take Action📣

Special Action Alert from Presbyterians for Earth Care Dear friends of God’s creation: As people of faith, we are called to care for God...