Saturday, October 16, 2021 - Transphobic comments

Sheryl has experienced horrific bullying on the job. She works in the Illinois court system, and has been the target of abuse by colleagues because of her gender identity. Lawyers have called her “It,” while another colleague repeatedly asks her “What gender are you today?” when they have a meeting. Sheryl wants Illinois to ban gender identity discrimination in its court system. Several states have done so, and Sheryl needs your support to urge Illinois to follow. Sign her petition urging criminal justice officials to end transphobic bullying and discrimination.

Support my lawsuit to end gender identity discrimination in Illinois courts.

529 have signed Sheryl Ring’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

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In America, attorneys and judges are governed by codes called "Rules of Professional Conduct." Illinois is one of the only states in America whose rules permit judges and attorneys to discriminate on the basis of gender identity and expression, which allows judges and attorneys to deadname, misgender, harass, and ridicule transgender and non-binary attorneys and litigants during court proceedings, or to rule on cases based on the gender identity or expression of a litigant or attorney.

Most states and the American Bar Association have already prohibited this type of discrimination, but the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission ("ARDC"), which regulates lawyers and judges in Illinois, refuses to change the rules to protect transgender and gender nonconforming litigants and attorneys in Illinois. As a result, transgender and gender nonconforming people in Illinois are not guaranteed, and often do not receive, fair and equitable treatment in Illinois courts.

It’s time for that to change. Tell the ARDC and Illinois Supreme Court that Illinois should join states like California, Pennsylvania, Washington, Maryland, Oregon, New York, Massachusetts, Florida, Oklahoma, and the District of Columbia, and ban discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression in the Illinois legal system.

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