Thursday, October 7, 2021 - Biden’s campaign promise

Cannabis has become a billion-dollar industry in the United States. But thousands of individuals are behind bars because of marijuana. Some are facing life sentences without the possibility of parole. On the campaign trail, President Biden advocated for decriminalizing marijuana and freeing those serving time for pot. More than 70K people have signed Amy’s petition to hold the President accountable to that promise. Add your voice today.

President Biden: Clemency for Federal Marijuana Prisoners

70,551 have signed Amy Povah, CAN-DO Foundation’s petition. Let’s get to 75,000!

Sign now with a click

The CAN-DO Foundation and Freedom Grow Forever is urging President Biden to free every prisoner serving federal time for marijuana drug cases.  Not one person in the history of our nation has overdosed on marijuana.  Cannabis has become a billion dollar legal industry, for some, while others rot in prison for federal conspiracy cases, including people who thought they were compliant with the laws of their state for medical marijuana, but were indicted and convicted in federal court because the federal government has yet to recognize that cannabis has any medicinal properties.   

Both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris indicated that marijuana prisoners should not remain incarcerated while on the campaign trail. That can easily be achieved with the stroke of the President’s pen who can free all cannabis prisoners using his executive clemency power. Please sign our petition and help raise awareness to end the suffering of the following individuals who are currently incarcerated for cannabis.    

Countless people do not believe there are people serving time for pot, much less life without parole.  Therefore, we have included the names of several cannabis prisoners (many are now free due to advocacy - see below) with a link to their profile pages so you can read their stories. Most have individual petitions you can also access on their page, sign and share.  Many volunteers give their time free of charge to help us compile the following list that is still growing.

Pedro Moreno is a first offender who has served 23 years on LIFE without parole 
Donald Fugitt is a first offender serving his 8th year on a 17 year sentence
Ismael Lira is a first offender served 17 years on LIFE without parole 
Raquel Esquivel is 7 months pregnant and has served over 11 years on 15 year sentence for marijuana. She was out on CARES Act and Bureau of Prisons violated her because she allegedly missed one call so they put her in a county facility. 
Lance Gloor is a first offender who has served over 5 years on a 10 year sentence for medical marijuana in the state of Washington 
Luke Scarmazzo has served 13 years on 21.8 years for medical marijuana 
Diana Marquez is on home confinement due to the CVID-19 pandemic but still needs clemency.  She’s a first offender who has served 14th year on 30 year sentence for marijuana 
Gabriel Gomez is serving a 30 year sentence
Hector McGurk has served 16 years on LIFE without parole 
Anthony DeJohn is serving a LIFE sentence 
Edwin Rubis is serving a 40 year sentence 
Michael Woods is serving a LIFE sentence 
Raphael Hernandez-Carillo is serving a LIFE sentence 
Michael Knight  has served 14 years on 17 years 6 months
Ira Jackson#93260-020,
James Maxwell #91900-020,
Mohamed Taher #11646-055,
Gaetan Dinelle #14494-052,
Stephen L Baker #28914-009,
Kevin Harden #10210-028,
Aaron Pike #09175-056,
Jason Gregg #17151-111,
Charles Sindylek #25701-017,
Sanford Johnson #25702-017,
Thomas Anderson #41952-044,
Maurice Anderson #94357-071,
Derrell McDougal #15091-043,
Samory Williams #21919-0212,
Stacy Munford #155528-033,
Richardo Ashmeade #34233-083,
Roger Lee Clarke #34358-479,
Demario Malone #10027-025,
Allen Woods #44691-066,
Jerome Woods #75358-066,
Norris Jackson #89950-083,
Hosea Harvey #70063-019,
Terry Harris #69632-066,
Joseph Akers #65108-066,
Alan Womack #76192-066,
Donyale Jerrell Holloway #20281-043,
Gilbert Manning #32228-044,
Maurice Capri Scott #47371-044,
Norris Jackson #89950-083,
Reginald Patterson #01136-112,
Juan Montero #29907-480,
Dannye McIntosh #05361-028,
Kevin Lawrence #07291-043,
Steven Davison #39251-479,
Tony Lupian-Godines #83504-198,
Kerry Lynn Collier #16347-078,
James Devon Garrett #33257-045,
Zachary Scott Nutt #32471-045,
Nicolas Anders Glaholt #32470-045,
Cray E. Williams #26991-045,
Paul Carrell #24522-045,
Derrick Taron White #51466-039,
Alexander Santiesteban #98180-004,
Uvaldo Luna #78848-179 
Steven Baker #28914-009
Michael Pelletier - NOW FREE - CLEMENCY GRANTED! 
served over 15 years on LIFE without parole.  He became a paraplegic at age 11 and his state of Maine legalized pot in 2016 
Eric McCauley - NOW FREE - COMPASSIONATE RELEASE!  is a first offender who served 14 years of a 23 year sentence
Ricardo Rojas - NOW FREE - COMPASSIONATE RELEASE  served over 23 years on LIFE without parole - age 77 and in a wheelchair. 
was a first offender who served over 23 years on LIFE without parole  
was serving LIFE without parole 
Joseph Wolcott - NOW FREE - COMPASSIONATE RELEASE!!!  was serving a 23 year sentence and has early stages of Alzheimers. 
Way Long- NOW FREE - CLEMENCY GRANTED is a first offender who has served 21 years of a 50 year sentence - Native American  
has served 5 years on LIFE without parole
 served over 10 years on a 30 year sentence 
Patricia Albright -NOW FREE - was serving 5 years for cannabis oil 
Aaron Sandusky - NOW FREE - FIRST STEP ACT
was first offender who served his 10 year sentence for medical marijuana in the state of California 

For more information go to the CAN-DO Foundation pot prisoner page to read more about these cases. Go to Freedom Grow Forever to give a donation and 100% of the proceeds will go onto the commissary books of individual pot prisoners. We need YOUR help so we can continue to write their stories, create profile pages and assign penpals for every cannabis prisoner but more importantly to BRING THEM HOME!  


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Visit petition page

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