Monday, October 18, 2021

A new day is coming

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If you haven’t already made plans, please join a Faiths 4 Climate Justice action near you, and bring this multi faith public action resource along.

If you are unable to join a group action, please consider posting on social media using the #Faiths4Climate. Here are some graphics you can use to help spread the word!

Climate justice means breathable air, drinkable water, land treaties honored, environmental policies that heal the planet rather than pillage it, and green jobs that provide a sustainable future for generations to come. That’s why we are taking action this Sunday and Monday.

Here’s what grassroots people of faith and faith leaders are saying about Faiths 4 Climate Justice:

“In terms of climate and biodiversity crisis, we are in code red. Strong faith and moral voices are needed to tell governments and corporations that they need to draw down emissions immediately." Fahimah Badrulhisham, Muslim, Australia

“Climate action is my moral obligation and I believe that it is my responsibility to make a safe and healthy environment not only for the present generation, but for the future generation to come.” Jonathan Chiwai, Christian, Zimbabwe

A new day is coming. We can feel and see it.

This week in Fiji, Rev. James Bhagwan and people of faith canoed out to a small island which is now submerged at high tide, due to climate change. They held up the banner that you see above.

Halfway around the globe, in Washington DC, hundreds of people of diverse faiths risked arrest alongside Indigenous leaders. They held signs that you see below.

This Sunday and Monday, there will be more than 420 actions around the world as part of Faiths 4 Climate Justice. Join us!

In solidarity,

Rev. Fletcher Harper

P.S. Your support helps make Faiths 4 Climate Justice possible around the globe. Please make a gift now.

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