Thursday, October 28, 2021 - Only 73 Orcas left

Southern Resident Orcas are going extinct. The salmon that they rely on for food are too. Both of these problems can be traced back to one major source—the dams on the Snake River. Betsey and other activists from the Northwest have been sounding the alarm for years, but nothing has been done so far. Now, it is almost too late. Sign Betsey’s petition to breach the dams and save the river—and all the animals who depend on it.

Dammed to extinction, Southern Resident Orcas are starving. Time is running out!

793,744 have signed Southern Resident Killer Whale Chinook Salmon Initiative’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000,000!

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The 73 remaining wild critically endangered salmon-eating Southern Resident Orcas are dying from starvation. ⇒ Leaving an effective breeding population less than 30, near the point of no recovery.

Breach the Lower Snake River Dams this year

Why are these Orcas starving?

More than 50% of their diet comes from salmon produced in the Columbia Basin, half of which were produced in the Snake River System.  

How is dam breaching possible?

Since 2002, the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has designated dam breaching as the best solution to recover wild salmon on the Snake River. 

The Corps  of Engineers can implement breaching the dams now by using the existing 2002 EIS’s ’Breach Alternative Four.’

The Impact and benefits of breaching:

• If the lower Snake River dams were breached, it would double or triple survival rates, restoring many millions of fish to the Columbia Basin.

• Give the orcas a fighting chance to recover by increasing their food supply.

• Breaching costs the state nothing. The first two dams can be breached for the cost of another EIS estimated at $80 million; 5 years to completion.

• The four lower Snake River dams in Eastern Washington do not provide flood control and produce only low value surplus electricity.

• Savings from these dams can be applied to more efficient dams and/or projects.

• NOTHING else, not more spill across the dams, not more hatchery fish, not less boat traffic, not more studies and a new EIS can achieve this in time to save wild salmon or Southern Resident Orcas.

Congressional Legislation or new appropriations are not needed to start breaching the Snake River dams this year!

SENATOR PATTY MURRAY AND GOVERNOR JAY INSLEE, Please take action today and urge the Army Corps’ General Helmlinger and Bonneville Power Administration’s Elliot Mainzer to begin breaching dams this year.

Thank you to the hundreds of thousands who have petitioned for immediate dam breaching, for those of you who want more information on how to save the salmon and orcas, visit DamTRUTH

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Wednesday, October 27, 2021 - 17-74 locked in a cage

Henry Montgomery was arrested when he was 17 by a racist cop and sentenced to death by a racist jury. The supreme court even admitted it—throwing out the trial and allowing Henry to be re-sentenced to life without parole. That was 57 years ago. Since then, because of Henry, sentencing juveniles to life without parole has been declared unconstitutional and hundreds have been able to regain their freedom. But not Henry. Sign Andrew’s petition to let Henry live out the rest of his years in freedom.

57 years is enough. It’s Henry Montgomery’s time to come home.

6,439 have signed Andrew Hundley’s petition. Let’s get to 7,500!

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On January 25, 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Montgomery v. Louisiana, giving hope and a chance for life outside of prison to individuals sentenced to life without parole for offenses committed as children. Since then, nearly 800 of those men and women have come home. Unfortunately, Henry Montgomery, the petitioner in Montgomery v. Louisiana, remains incarcerated.

Henry was 17 when he was arrested. He is now 75. The U.S. Supreme Court recognized his "evolution from a troubled, misguided youth to model member of the prison community." There is no societal benefit for keeping Henry in prison any longer.

On November 17, 2021, Henry will have a parole hearing to determine if he will be released or will remain incarcerated. If released, he will have the assistance of Louisiana Parole Project, an organization that has helped over 200 men and women, like Henry, who spent decades in prison before getting a second chance. He will have a home, peer mentors, and a network of supporters to count on.

57 years is enough. It’s Henry Montgomery’s time to come home.

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Start a petition today - Animal cruelty at Home Depot?

Glue traps can be torturous for small animals. When animals get stuck to glue traps, they often end up starving over several horrific days. If they don’t starve, they die from wounds as their skin rips off their bodies. Petition starter Meira is hoping Home Depot will pull them off of their shelves. Home Depot already refuses to use glue traps in their stores. Meira hopes they’ll follow suit and stop selling them completely. Add your name and urge Home Depot to pull cruel glue traps off the shelves.

Ban Glue Traps at Home Depot

6,159 have signed Meira Geyser’s petition. Let’s get to 7,500!

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Home Depot, a home improvement retailer with over 2000 stores is currently selling glue traps. Glue traps are one of the cruelest forms of "pest control" products being sold. They are trays covered in glue that leave animals to starve to death once they get stuck to the trap.

Home Depot’s mission statement (as said on their website) includes: ’Doing the "right" thing.’ Even on their corporate website, they talk about sustainability & even cruelty free products. Home Depot themselves have even banned the use of glue traps in their stores after discussions with Peta! As a company that says they care about doing what is right, Home Depot needs to act in alignment and ban the sale of glue traps immediately. Here is why:

CRUELTY: Animals that are stuck on glue traps often starve to death by not being able to move & get food, if they haven’t already died from having their skin ripped off as they try to move. They can suffer & starve up to 5 DAYS before dying. It is also common, and even suggested by glue tray manufactures to dump the trays in the trash with the live animals still on them! In attempt to get out of the sticky adhesive, animals may try to bite their limbs off. 

SAFETY CONCERNS: Not only are glue traps harmful to animals, they put humans at risk for disease. So much so, the CDC & Health Canada say, "We do not recommend using glue traps or live traps. These traps can scare mice that are caught live and cause them to urinate. Since their urine may contain germs, this may increase your risk of being exposed to diseases."

ALTERNATIVES: Luckily, there are alternative ways to discourage animals from your home/work/etc. Some of those include items sold by The Home Depot themselves!

Home Depot, Craig Menear, & Edward Decker, we are calling on you to do the right thing: by following the DOZENS of retailers who have banned the sale of glue traps & lead the way for others to do the same.

Banning the sale of glue traps is not only necessary, but completely in line with Home Depot’s values per the company’s own statements.

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Thursday, October 21, 2021 - Save the Bears

Two grizzly bears in Jackson, WY were recently euthanized for eating foods in trash cans near their habitat in Teton National Park. Petition starter Savannah believes that the situation could have been avoided if the surrounding communities had bear-proof trash cans. Community members are worried that other beloved bear cubs in their area might be next on the kill list if this situation isn’t resolved. Add your name to urge the Teton County Commissioners and Mayor to enact a bear-proof trash can ordinance to save the bears.

Jackson Hole - Mandatory Bear Proof Trash Cans in Teton County - Save 399s Cubs

7,190 have signed Savannah Rose’s petition. Let’s get to 7,500!

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Jackson Hole, it is beyond due time to require bear proof trash cans in Teton County. Our beloved Grizzly 610’s two sons were recently euthanized for accessing food rewards primarily in the neighborhoods directly outside the relative safety of Grand Teton National Park. Of the 22 conflicts implicated in the second cubs death, 20 were due to improper food storage in these neighborhoods, largely trash. It is truly unacceptable that there is no mandate for bear proof trash cans in place to prevent these conflicts from happening. The deaths of 610s two cubs brought this issue into the spotlight but needless deaths of this nature have been going on for many many years. We fear that world famous Grizzly 399’s cubs will face a similar fate if they are allowed to disperse into the same hostile environment full of unsecured trash if there are no bear proof can ordinances put in place. This is the first responsible step into ensuring that these bears have the best chance of survival in their adult life. 

Our beloved park grizzlies and black bears alike face a gauntlet of life threatening peril when they leave the boundaries and venture into these neighborhoods. The biggest threat by far is unsecured trash that habituates them to human food, leading ultimately to euthanasia. As residents of this beautiful valley, we are blessed to be living so close to these incredible animals and we need to be respectful of their homes as well. This can be accomplished by accepting the responsibility of securing our waste.

Please let our County Commissioners and Mayor know that you support enacting a bear proof trash can ordinance to save our bears by signing this petition. In the memory of 610s two beautiful sons, and in the interest of protecting 399s next generation and all the other bears in our ecosystem. Thank you.

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