Saturday, August 13, 2022

Gun Violence Prevention -We Are Making Progress

Gun Violence Prevention
News for Congregations
Aug. 2022
 Action: General Assembly on GV Prevention
• Guns to Gardens Aug 18 - Sept 15 Action Circle - Spots Still Open!
• Local Spotlight: Greensboro, NC Congregations
• We Are Making Progress on Gun Violence Prevention

ACTION: Learn about PCUSA General Assembly actions on gun violence prevention and share info with your church/presbytery. HINT: Get ready for the "Presbyterian Decade to End Gun Violence." Sample newsletter article HERE.

Guns to Gardens Aug 18 - Sept 15 Action Circle Training
We have a few spots still open for the upcoming Action Circle to learn how to do Guns to Gardens in your church or community. Response has been outstanding, with 50 folks registered so far. There is a daytime or evening option for one hour weekly for six weeks. Join other congregations in exploring best practices for this direct action to rid homes and communities of unwanted guns. Learn more or register HERE.
Photo: Guest pastor Rev. Jeff Wild leads the congregation in communion following a Guns to Gardens event at Oakland-Cambridge Presbyterian Church in Cambridge WI, with the chop saw and portable metal forge. See worship bulletin HERE.
Faith Presbyterian Church and New Creation Community, Greensboro, NC

Pastor Keith Curl-Dove leads the congregation in "The Blessing of the Saw" in preparation for training in how to dismantle unwanted guns. Find the story from the Triad City Beat HERE.
"Beyond Thoughts and Prayers: Religious Orgs are Chopping Up Guns to Curb Violence"
Photo: Triad City Beat
We Are Making Progress
In the face of discouraging headlines, do you ever wonder if we are making any progress on gun violence prevention? Our answer is a qualified yes. In the wake of shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde and every day, we are beginning to make long-overdue progress on preventing gun violence.
Another answer is, yes, but we have a long, long way to go.

Signs of Hope:
 Passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act: While only a start, in June this legislation broke the nearly 30 year logjam on significant federal action to prevent gun violence and provides funding for many practical ways to save lives. It's a beginning.

 Confirmation of ATF Director: In July, the Senate finally voted to confirm a Director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, former prosecutor Steve Dettelbach, a specialist in prosecuting hate crimes. Keeping the ATF leaderless has been a key goal of the gun lobby, in order to weaken the ability of the United States to enforce current gun laws, including oversight of background checks. Thank you to all who contacted their senators to support this important confirmation!

• Slight drop in gun violence: - The New York Times reported this month that "Nationwide, shootings are down 4% this year compared to the same time last year. In big cities, murders are down 3%. If the decrease in murders continues for the rest of 2022, it will be the first year since 2018 in which they fell in the U.S."
Some of the decline is due to recovery from the Pandemic. Read the full analysis HERE.

• Crackdown on Illegal Gun Trafficking: The US Justice Department, under the Biden Administration, has escalated investigation and prosecution for illegal gun trafficking. While not very visible to the public, this is a key step toward reducing gun violence and keeping guns out of the hands of those who should not have them.

• Grassroots Activism: Positive social change requires sustained action from the bottom up as well as from the top down. That's why the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, and now the General Assembly of the PCUSA, support visible, prophetic actions such as the Guns to Gardens movement. On July 30, at a gun "buy back" event in Houston, 845 unwanted guns were safely surrendered in just a few hours. In addition to ridding homes and communities of unwanted guns, other grassroots efforts include: remembering names of gun violence victims in our worship services; voter education and registration for the Nov. 8 elections; suicide and domestic violence prevention programs; community education events about the need to limit assault weapons and to expand background checks; gun safe storage and gun safe technology campaigns; neighborhood revitalization projects and gardens; advocacy, prayer and other steps.

Theologian Shane Claiborne, a spiritual leader of the Guns to Gardens movement, describes Isaiah 2:4 as the grassroots moment when God's people rise up. They are so tired of violence that they start taking things into their own hands, beating their swords into tools for farming. As Claiborne puts it, "The image we receive from the prophet is that God's change comes from the bottom up."

For all these glimpses of hope and for each congregation, family and individual who takes action for the long haul, we give thanks. And as we always say in the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship: Keep on keepin' on!
Can we Count on You?

Your tax-deductible gift strengthens our work on Gun Violence Prevention, day in, day out. We thank you!
Has your congregation designated how to use its portion of the Presbyterian Peace and Global Witness Offering this fall? We need and welcome your congregational, family and individual support.
Please make online gifts today HERE.
or mail gifts, payable to "Presbyterian Peace Fellowship"
and marked "Gun Violence Prevention"
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship Gun Violence Prevention Ministry
17 Cricketown Rd. Stony Point, NY 10980 Thank you.
Gun Violence Prevention Ministry
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Rev. Deanna Hollas, Coordinator

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