Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Urgent: Flood your senators with calls for voting rights

SojoAction Alert

I have urgent news. Today, the Senate is expected to take up the vital voting rights bill, S. 1 the For the People Act, but a handful of politicians are threatening to filibuster the bill in order to defeat it and silence us as voters.  We need you to call your state senators now. By acting together we can move our country forward to ensure every American can safely and freely cast their ballot.   

Take Action

No matter our color, party, or zip code, we all want an equal say in the decisions that shape our future. The For the People Act sets national standards for our elections so all of us can safely and freely cast our ballots, have our voices heard, and elect leaders who deliver on our priorities. 

As people of faith, we recognize all people are created by God having dignity and worth. This belief is lived out by ensuring equal access to casting a ballot. The For the People Act would:

  • Make Election Day a national holiday
  • Require states to offer same-day voter registration for federal elections
  • Expand early voting
  • Establish automatic voter registration
  • Ban partisan gerrymandering
  • As well as many other provisions on election security, campaign finance reform, and stronger ethics rules for elected officials

Ask your senators to support the For the People Act to ensure that our elections are fair and free of interference for years to come. 

Call Your Senators

Thank you for taking action,

Rev. Terrance McKinley
Racial Justice Mobilizing Director

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