Monday, June 7, 2021 - Chicago White Sox

Loretta worked at the same Chicago White Sox concession stand for 60 years. In 2005, after the team won the World Series, they named a seating area next to her concession stand “Loretta’s Lounge.” But earlier this year, executives took down Loretta’s name – and instead put up a sign for the team’s manager. Mike started this petition demanding the White Sox put Loretta’s name back. He wants your support to call on the White Sox to honor Loretta’s legacy.

Change LaRussa’s Lounge Back to Loretta’s Lounge

682 have signed Michael Sause’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

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Loretta Micele worked as a concession stand worker for the Chicago White Sox for 60 years. In 2005, after the White Sox won the World Series, the team honored her decades of service by naming the seating area next to her concession stand on the third base line:

"Loretta’s Lounge"

However, this year after hiring new manager Tony LaRussa, the stadium renamed the seating area to "LaRussa’s Lounge." Mr. LaRussa, while a Hall of Fame manager in his own right, will likely be unable to match the years of service to the franchise that Loretta did...

The White Sox need to restore the seating area to its original name of "Loretta’s Lounge," to honor the legacy of a woman who gave decades of her life to the team and its fans.

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