Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - Cemetery restrictions

Cemeteries provide solace for those who remain after their loved ones pass away. Leslie’s daughter was laid to rest in Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Hillside. To honor and remember her, Leslie likes to decorate her gravesite with pictures, lights, and flowers. The cemetery recently implemented new restrictions and removed several decorations from her plot. Leslie is calling on the cemetery to overturn their decision to limit decorations for loved ones—everyone should be allowed to grieve in their own way.

Say No to Queen of Heaven Decoration Restrictions

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My daughter is resting in Queen of Heaven in Hillside. Just recently they implemented new rules that you can only have one decoration per gravesite. This is so wrong because I love to decorate my baby girl’s resting place and they removed her cross, pictures, solar lights, and her flowers. These are not cheap and they hold a special meaning and for them to just throw them out is just not fair. These are our plots, we paid for them and should be able to decorate how we want.

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