Friday, July 5, 2024

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - Decolonizing Volunteerism and more at AC Gathering!

🌟 Join Us at the 2024 Activist Council Gathering! πŸŒŸ

Passionate about faith-based social justice and community building? Whether new to the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship (PPF) or a long-time supporter, join us August 22-25 at the beautiful Ghost Ranch in New Mexico!

If you aren’t sure how you are going to get to Ghost Ranch we have resources that can help you in your planning.

You can click here go to our event page to view those options.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown Road | Stony Point, NY 10980 US

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Gun Violence Prevention for Congregations News

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

Gun Violence Prevention

News for Congregations

July 2024

First Presbyterian Church, Henderson, TX remembers gun violence victims June 7

Big News on Atwood Institute:

Scholarships & Sponsorships!

$10,000 Matching Gift Pledged for Scholarships! Give and have your gift matched dollar for dollar up to $10,000.

Apply for scholarships now!

Aug 22-25 Ghost Ranch, NM

Come to Ghost Ranch for continuing education and training for clergy and lay leaders to build deeper skills, courage and community for gun violence prevention mission.

Thank you to all who are registered already and to all who have contributed for the

James Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage

Learn More and Register HERE.

See the Institute Faculty HERE, including photo: Miranda Viscoli and Harry Eberts, Co-Presidents, New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence

Apply for a Scholarship HERE

Donate to Sponsor Scholarships HERE

Find a news update on the Atwood Institute HERE.

Atwood Institute SPONSORS ---THANK YOU!


Learn from top activists from across the USA.

Ecumenical, all are welcome.

Ghost Ranch offers many types of lodging, from private rooms to dorms to campground facilities. See

For questions , contact

The James Atwood Institute honors the legacy Jim Atwood, Presbyterian prophet of gun violence prevention for nearly 50 years.

Optional: Stay for Aug. 25-28 Presbyterian Peace Fellowship National Gathering. Learn more HERE.

Next Zoom Action Circles - Learn How to Do

Guns to Gardens

at your Church

Thursdays July 11- Aug. 8

Noon ET or 7:30 pm ET

One Hour Per Week, Plus One Hour of Preparation

Learn More & Register HERE.

PPF welcomes new Action Circle Leaders,

Nancy Halden, Utah

Leslie Williams, W. Virginia - Thank you!

News story on 6/30 Guns to Gardens at General Assemby HERE.

Local Spotlight - June -Gun Violence Prevention Month

Thank you to all who took action in June!

See a news Story on June GVP events HERE.

Photo: Danielle & Terry Shreve of First Presbyterian Church in Stillwater, OK on Wear Orange Weekend

Photo: Volunteers dismantled 21 guns on June 9 at Church of the Promise, Louisville, KY. Photos by Delvan A. Ramey

Photo: It takes many volunteers, with many different skills, to offer Guns to Gardens, Louisville, KY, on June 9

Photo: Hood Huggers International joins RAWtools South and coalition of congregations at First Baptist Church in Ashville, NC to dismantle 56 guns.

Be SMART for Kids Campaign volunteers provided free gun locks and secure storage information.

Photo: Members of Village Presbyterian Church in Prairie Village, KS join in a proclamation of June 7 as National Gun Violence Awareness Day in their city.

Photo: At First Presbyterian Church of Salt Lake CIty, a Guns to Gardens demonstration on June 30 introduced hundreds of Presbyterians at General Assembly to this practical service. The event was sponsored by the Gun Violence Prevention Center of Utah, the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, RAW tools and Wasatch Forge. Find a radio broadcast from the event HERE.

Photo: Presbyterian News Service

General Assembly Update:

As of today, the vote is still pending at General Assembly on the overture, "Calling for Action that Children May Live Free from Gun Violence." Eight amazing local Presbyterians testfied by Zoom. Look for a full report in next month's ENEWS.

The Presbyterian Decade to End Gun Violence offers grants for action projects. Congratulations to those who have received grants! Be very specific about your project in your application. Apply HERE.


Guns to Gardens

T-shirts and sweatshirts with

the Guns to Gardens logo on the front

and Isaiah 2:4 on the back. Order for your church volunteers for gun violence prevention events or as a gift.

Order HERE

Support PPF's Gun Violence Prevention Ministry!

We need support from churches, individuals and presbyteries to do this work. Gifts of all amounts are needed.
Gifts are tax-deductible.

Give HERE or
Mail checks to:
"Presbyterian Peace Fellowship"
att: Gun Violence Prevention
17 Cricketown Rd.
Stony Point, NY 10980 Thank you.

Rev. Margery Rossi, Acting Coordinator

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

SojoMail - Faith and the authoritarian playbook


This week: the role of faith communities in struggling against authoritarianism, the power of joining a club, and a sleepy night at sea.

A boot hovers over an ionic column with a screw-like bottom against a background of clouds and sunrays. Three small figures pull a lever attached to the bottom of the column.

Faith and the Authoritarian Playbook

In this week’s SojoMail, we’re featuring our cover story by Maria J. Stephan from the latest issue of Sojourners, on how Christians can defend and nurture democracy:

In 2012, I was a U.S. State Department officer deployed to Turkey to work with the Syrian opposition. It was an opportunity to support Syrian activists waging a remarkable popular struggle against an authoritarian government that had responded to peaceful protest with bullets and torture. For nearly a year, Syrian Sunnis, Christians, Kurds, Druze, Alawites, and others used demonstrations, sit-ins, resistance music, colorful graffiti, consumer boycotts, and dozens of other nonviolent tactics to challenge the Bashar al-Assad administration.

But the nonviolent movement was unable to remain resilient in the face of brutality, external support for civil resistance was weak, and finally Syrians took up arms. This played into Assad’s hand. Death, displacement, and destruction skyrocketed. Extremists exploited the chaos. The Syrian nonviolent pro-democracy forces were inspired and courageous but lacked organization and adequate support to prepare them for the long haul. This haunts me to this day.

I’ve worked around the world with scholars, activists, policy makers, and faith communities to design effective support for nonviolent struggles to defend and advance freedom and dignity. I’ve been mentored by leaders of the U.S. civil rights movement, the greatest pro-democracy movement in our history, whose strategic campaigns to dismantle racial authoritarianism hold great relevance today.

As we head into the 2024 election, the risks to freedom and democracy are higher than they’ve been for decades. Religious communities who understand that democracy is the best modern governing system for protecting religious freedom and advancing shared values have a critical role to play as partisans for democracy.


Forum for Theological Exploration Slot 1

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Community for Doctoral Scholars of Color

FTE offers Ph.inishe.D., a course program that provides inspiring content, tools, and a community for scholars completing their Ph.D. or Th.D programs in religion, theological studies, or biblical studies. Embrace this opportunity to unlock your full potential and make your mark as a scholar of color in the academy.

The Urgent Need for Justice-Oriented Churches in the United States: Embracing Sankofa At the Margins

“Justice-oriented churches actively seek to address systemic injustices and serve marginalized communities. The biblical command to ‘act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God’ (Micah 6:8) guides these churches. By prioritizing justice, they embody the teachings of Jesus, who consistently uplifted the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized.” Read more of the latest sponsored article on

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Presbyterian Peace Fellowship - Decolonizing Volunteerism and more at AC Gathering!

 Join Us at the 2024 Activist Council Gathering!  Passionate about faith-based social justice and community building? Whether new to the Pre...